Saturday, January 26, 2013

Deleting Facebook Off My Phone and Other Thoughts on Eternal Significance

image from here

In determining that I wanted my Word of the Year to be Honor, I have been reflecting on the ways that I have not been honoring the Lord. One of the clearest ways that I have not been honoring Him is through how I spend my time. TV, Internet, my phone…. So many things have been clouding up my life; separating me from Him and from the community that I have been increasingly desperate for.

Last week I deleted the Facebook and Twitters Apps off my phone. I was tired of mindlessly checking my phone, by being consumed by it. Now, of course, I can still access facebook on my phone but when I have to take the time to type it into the browser, I am able to stop myself from wasting time. I have yet to check facebook on my phone and suddenly I have all this time! Between this detaching of social media and a severe reduction in TV time combined with a totally purge of my stuff, I have found that I am calmer and more focused. I am more attuned to the variety of ways that God is working in my life. I have more time to actually have conversations with friends.

I am walking with intentionality. As such, I am increasingly aware of my eternal significance.

I have written a lot lately about my reflections on how I occasionally feel about my walk with the Lord and the struggles I have with it. In so many ways, my walk with the Lord and my role in the kingdom have been obscured by unnecessary things of this world.

And I am sick of it. I am sick of not having a closer relationship with the Lord. I am sick on not feeling absolute honor at God’s plan for my life. I am sick of not walking in obedience. I am sick of not being aware of my eternal significance.

So I deleted Facebook off my phone. I might even delete it all together. Pinterest might have to go too; it is too easy to start comparing my house and my crafts and all these things I need to do and make. I need to be practical about season of life and what I am capable of doing. Without guilt, but with joy and thankfulness.

Aware of the eternal significance of my life. Desiring to Honor Him in everything I do.