Friday, December 21, 2012

We Are Still Here

December 21, 2012. It came and we are still here. Albeit as I write this the day is still young and anything can happen, but let's face it, most of us have treated this prediction of the end mostly as a joke. Did you see the picture comparing the Mayan calendar to the design on an Oreo cookie? Or the one about the Incan guy whose job is was to finish the calendar, but quit and went to have a tequila with his friend? Hollywood decided to make a few dollars and made a movie. Many decided to party like it was the end and do things they would otherwise regret. They are waking up with regret today.

But the reality is that there will be that day. Scripture tells us that in Isaiah, and Daniel, and Matthew, and Thessalonians, and Revelations - among others. We know that. There is a generation who is destined to be the generation who will experience the end. I don't know what it will look like but my theology says that they will see worse things than we can imagine. Although I know God's plan is perfect and that we win, it still scares me. I am not sure I want to be here for it, or my children, or my children's children, or my children's children's children....

So what do we do as we wait or wonder. Peter tells  us what not to do. Do not let yourself be enticed by sensual passions of the flesh by those for whom utter darkness has been reserved. The are loud and relentless in their attempts to lure us. Jesus. on the other hand, tells us to be like the five virgins in Matthew 25, watching and waiting and ready for the coming of the Bridegroom. 

I want to know what that looks like. What do I want my last day to be like - whether it is at the end of time of when Jesus calls me home? And everyday could be my last. I found a treasure in Psalm 40.

But may all who seek You
rejoice and be glad in You;
may those who love Your salvation
say continually, "Great is the LORD!"
